Lake Windfall

Lake Windfall is a 2013 American postapocalyptic movie written by Tony Nitko and Roger Vass Jr, and directed by Roger Vass Jr. The film was produced by Rustic Lantern Films, as subsidiary of Deaf Empowerment Awareness Foundation. The film focuses on the interaction between five friends who set off for a weekend of camping. It explores issues around Deaf, hardofhearing, and hearing people. The primary language is American Sign Language with closed captioned subtitles throughout, though early stages of the movie contain dialog in voice, with subtitles.

As the friends set off for the weekend, Jake Jasun Hicks has a heated discussion with his mom over video relay service VRS using his iPad. Cliff Timothy Dillard is watching and is fascinated by the speed of Jakes signing and seems unaware of the nature of the conversation. Cliff identifies as hardofhearing and has only recently begun learning ASL as he was brought up orally and was mainstream schooled. He is a nerdy guy, technologyaddicted, and wears a hearing aid. At the beginning of the movie, he tries to align himself with the hearing people, to the annoyance of Jake. During the campfire that night, the two hearing guys sit around one side of the fire chatting. Cliff joins them and tries to follow their conversation but gets confused. Keith Will Sanders, the hearing guy, gets annoyed with him and Cliff wanders off to the other side of the fire where the deaf men are chatting. The two deaf guys, Matt Christopher B. Corrigan and Jake, chide Cliff for trying to be part of the hearing world, while they were laughing at him. They play a trick on Jake by giving him a sign name. He is pleased by this and goes to tell Drew Alex Laferriere who tells him that it actually the sign for penis. The others laugh at this, and he is infuriated.Later, Matt and Drew are arguing and the audience learns that Drew is Matts brother. A CODA, he has distanced himself from Matt and his deaf parents his new wife had taken their calls and told them that Drew was not in. His wife has never learnt to sign, and it seems that she has played a part in Drews disconnect from the rest of his family. Matt tells Drew that their mother has stage2 breast cancer and he is shocked. ........

Source: Wikipedia